Prime Minister of Ethiopia to visit Israel
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Prime Minister of Ethiopia to visit Israel

    I​srael welcomes the visit of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, to which it attaches great importance as it will contribute to the enhancement of the relationship and strengthen the cooperation between the two countries. 
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will receive Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed upon his arrival on Sunday (1 September 2019) with a guard of honor at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.
    Israel welcomes the visit of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, to which it attaches great importance as it will contribute to the enhancement of the relationship and strengthen the cooperation between the two countries.  
    During the course of the visit, the Ethiopian Prime Minister will meet with PM Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin, will visit Yad Vashem and will tour the National Cyber Directorate.

    This important visit is taking place after PM Netanyahu’s visit to Africa in July 2016, during which he also visited Ethiopia. 

    Ethiopia is a central African state, with which Israel has a close and friendly relationship and cooperation in many fields including agriculture, water and irrigation, health, education, science, technology and innovation.  During the visit the two sides will discuss strengthening bilateral cooperation in the fields of security, agriculture and technology, with special emphasis on cyber.  
    The Ethiopian Prime Minister’s visit to Israel is further evidence of PM Netanyahu’s ‘Return to Africa’ policy, and the common desire of both countries to strengthen the bonds of friendship and deepen bilateral cooperation.