PM Netanyahu's remarks upon leaving for Moscow 11 July 2018
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PM Netanyahu's remarks upon leaving for Moscow

    I will meet with President Putin and we will discuss Syria, Iran and Israel's security needs. I very much appreciate the excellent direct connection between myself and President Putin. It is very important for Israel’s national security.
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    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara with Mika Lipsker and Alon Eizarayev, who are accompanying them on the trip to Moscow. PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara with Mika Lipsker and Alon Eizarayev, who are accompanying them on the trip to Moscow. Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara surprised two children and invited them to join in watching the World Cup semi-final match that will be held this evening (Wednesday, 11 July 2018), in Moscow. The children – Mika Lipsker, 18, from Katzir, whom the Prime Minister and his wife have known for years, and Alon Eizarayev, 13, from Petah Tikva, who was born in Russia – have cancer, and will be accompanied by their parents.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu made the following remarks prior to taking off for Moscow:
    "I am now leaving for Moscow for a very important meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. We will discuss Syria, Iran and Israel's security needs. I very much appreciate the excellent direct connection, without intermediaries, between myself and the Russian President. It is very important for the national security of the State of Israel.
    After the meeting, my wife and I have been invited to watch the World Cup semi-final match and they told us that we could bring two guests. We decided to bring with us two wonderful children who are bravely fighting cancer: Mika, whom my wife and I have known for nine years, and Alon, whose parents emigrated from Russia and who likes soccer very much. We are very moved that we can realize a dream for them.
    Of course, when they ask me, 'Prime Minister, who will win?' I answer as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister: 'The better team'. It should be a fascinating game."