PM Netanyahu congratulates Euroleague Champions
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PM congratulates the Champions--͞Maccabi Tel Aviv

  •   Maccabi Tel Aviv wins basketball championship
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    PM-Netanyahu-cheering-with-the-victors PM-Netanyahu-cheering-with-the-victors Copyright: Copyright:GPO/Haim-Zach
    Maccabi Tel Aviv wins Euroleague basketball championship!!!
    Addis Ababa – The Embassy of Israel is happy to disclose that Israel's Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv team defeated Real Madrid 98-86 and won the Euroleague basketball championship game in Milan on Sunday evening. This is the club's sixth European championship title.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Monday evening (19th May 2014), met with members of the Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv upon their return to Israel after winning the Euroleague championship.
    PM Netanyahu as well congratulates Euroleague Champions Maccabi Tel Aviv and told team coach David Blatt, "We have something in common. This is your first Euroleague championship as coach and it is my first Euroleague championship as Prime Minister." The former added, "You have brought great honor to the country. You have done something extraordinary. This is an example of fighting spirit, of victory. It is said 'Tough in training, easy in battle' and in the end you did it – due to your leadership, David, and these marvelous players. I watched and was excited and I think all Israelis were as well. You brought great honor to Israel. I tell you that it was uplifting for all Israelis. You set an example. Thank you."
    Maccabi Tel Aviv coach Blatt said, "Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to thank you for honoring us here. Part of our mission at Maccabi is to represent the nation, to bring honor and joy to everyone without exception, to try to set an example and to lead in the best way possible, just as you are doing for all of us. We thank you and I am happy that you are here with us."
    Maccabi Tel Aviv Chairman Shimon Mizrahi presented Prime Minister Netanyahu with an authentic basketball from last night's game and said, "I would like to say a few words. I think that in what you said there are also things relevant to policy, i.e. the power of patience and tolerance, persistence, dedication and team spirit, which is the fighting spirit in units that you are familiar with. … I recall what the late President Chaim Herzog said, that Maccabi is the State of Israel's best ambassador. We try to do this and will continue to do so and you will continue to lead us for many years to come."
    In honor of Maccabi Tel Aviv's victory, Prime Minister Netanyahu came to work this morning wearing a yell and blue necktie, Maccabi Tel Aviv's team colors.
    Earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong, who invited Maccabi Tel Aviv to visit China.
    Maccabi’s victory made the day more jubilant for Israel as it coincided with the Lag Baomer holiday of Sunday night – a festive day on the Jewish calendar, celebrating the anniversary of the passing of the great sage and mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. On this day, thousands of pilgrims go to the grave of mystic sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on Mt. Meron in the Upper Galilee.
       Copyright:GPO/Haim-Zach                                                      PM Netanyahu cheering along the victors. (Picture credit to: GPO/Haim Zach)