PM Netanyahu's remarks following his meeting with Russian President Putin 9 March 2017
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PM Netanyahu's remarks following his meeting with Russian President Putin

    I made it clear that regarding Syria, while Israel is not opposed that there should be an agreement there, we strongly oppose the possibility that Iran and its proxies will be left with a military presence in Syria under such an agreement.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: PMO webcast
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 9 March 2017), made the following remarks after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin:
    "I have just concluded an important meeting with President Putin. I made it clear that regarding Syria, while Israel is not opposed that there should be an agreement there, we strongly oppose the possibility that Iran and its proxies will be left with a military presence in Syria under such an agreement. I think that this was made clear in the best way. From my experience with President Putin, these matters are important not only in preventing misunderstandings, but in the end they will also find expression on the ground.
    The second thing is that we were informed that pursuant to the anticipated conclusion of the historic pension agreement between us, there will also be an agreement on the veterans. An end will be declared to this painful humanitarian problem – so President Putin told me – on May 9.
    Third, we discussed a series of bilateral economic – and other – issues.
    Fourth, of course I raised the issue, as I do elsewhere in the world, of Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin and, of course, the two Israeli civilians being held by Hamas. I asked for the Russian President's humanitarian assistance and he promised to give it."