  • News & Events

News and Events

    • A glimpse of 2020!

      2020 was challenging but we have done some great things that brought Ethiopia and Israel even closer!
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    • Announcement

      To avoid the spread of Covid-19, please contact the Consular Department via the following email addresses before coming to the Embassy. consular2@addis ...
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    • Hanukkah 2020

      The festival commemorates both the 164 BCE rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem after its desecration by the ruling Seleucid Kingdom and the re-establishment of religious freedom ...
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    • Israeli Locust Fighters Task Force in Ethiopia

      Israel deploys a special locust fighters task force to support the Ethiopian authorities efforts in fighting locust swarms that hit the country, the worst in 25 years.
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    • Israeli Embassy's Leadership Program

      The Israeli Embassy in Addis Ababa has launch a first of its kind youth leadership program in two schools is Addis Ababa: Andinet and Safari Academy.
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