  • News & Events

News and Events

    • My Jerusalem Painting Competition(MJPC)

      The" My Jerusalem Painting Competition "(MJPC) is an activity that is being organized by the State of Israel Embassy in Ethiopia with the spirit of celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the r ...
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    • LOVE TRIANGLE በሃሳብ መሃከል

      Sponsored by the Embassy of the State of Israel in Addis Ababa, two world-renowned Israeli artists Shahar Marcus and Eyal Segal participated at the second edition of the Addis Video Art Fes ...
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    • PM Netanyahu's remarks at the Knesset

      I told you recently that there will be other countries that would recognize Jerusalem and announce the transfer of their embassies to it. Well here is the second country and I reiterate: It ...
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    • PM Netanyahu's Christmas greetings

      I'm proud that Israel is a country in which Christians not only survive, but they thrive! Because we believe in this friendship among people. And we protect the rights of everyone to worshi ...
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    • Christmas in Israel 2017

      Home to a vibrant Christian community and some of Christianity’s holiest sites, Christmas in Israel is a magical, festive, and unforgettable experience. These are some of the Christmas cele ...
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