Movies from Israel to hit the screen at Addis Film Fest
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Movies from Israel to hit the screen at Film Fest

    Three movies made by Israeli filmmakers will hit the screen at the 7th Addis International Film Festival. They are:
    - Turbulence (which will be screened at the Bole Community Development Center, on the 15th of May, starting 6PM);
    - Running Movie (which will be screened at the Ethiopian Management Institute, on the 18th, starting 4:10PM); and
    - One Day after Peace (which will be screened at the British Council, on the 19th, starting 5:50PM).
    Here are few words about the movies:
    Director: Kobi Davidian & Roni Livneh | Producer: Kobi Davidian & Roni Livneh
    Synopsis: On June 10th 1982, the eve of the first Lebanon War, a 21-year-old Jewish girl named Dafna Carmon left a friend's house near her home. She was never seen alive again. Two years later, four Arab Bedouins were arrested. For 27 years now they have been serving a life sentence for kidnapping, rape, and murder. For all of those years they have been pleading their innocence. One day in 2006, Arial Livneh gets a surprising call from Shata prison; on the other side is Camal Sbehi. Livneh, an Ashkenazi Jew, pensioner of Israel's General Security Service, and a doctor of criminology, decides to dive into a labyrinth of deception, discoveries, motivations, and frustrations. His four-year-long obsessive journey will take him to 1980s Israel and through abandoned and dusty police and court archives. He will locate and meet any person that knew Dafna or were somehow connected to the case. The stream of new information that he discovers raises many tough questions about the process that convicted the four Arab Bedouins. Can a journey to the past change the future?
    Running Movie
    Synopsis: A documentary, focusing on Israeli long-distance runner Haile Satayin, the oldest marathon runner to compete in the 2008 Summer Olympics, and his efforts to participate in the 2012 Olympics.
    Satayin has been a long-distance runner as a child in Ethiopia, but became a marathon runner only after immigrating to Israel in the 1990s. Now, in his 50s, he keeps on running all over the world. We follow him as he practices in Ethiopia, far from his wife and children, and witness his moments of victory and defeat as he competes in marathons around the world – from Berlin, Germany to Tiberias, Israel. Despite his financial difficulties and struggles with the cultural gaps as an immigrant in Israel, Satayin believes that he has no choice: he runs as if his survival depends on it.
    Year of Production: 2011
    Country: Israel
    Date of Release: TBD
    Format: Digital Betacam
    Duration: 48 min
    Original Language: Hebrew, Amharic
    Subtitles: Hebrew, English
    Director: Omer Peled
    Producer: Gidi Avivi
    Sales Contact: Gidi Avivi
    Address : 17 Louis Marshall St
    Tel Aviv 62668
    Tel: +972-50-5287659
    One Day After Peace
    Can the means used to resolve the conflict in South Africa be applied to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? As someone who experienced both conflicts firsthand, Robi Damelin wonders about this. Born in South Africa during the apartheid era, she later lost her son, who was serving with the Israeli Army reserve in the Occupied Territories. At first she attempted to initiate a dialogue with the Palestinian who killed her child. When her overtures were rejected, she embarked on a journey back to South Africa to learn more about the country's Truth and Reconciliation Committee's efforts in overcoming years of enmity. Robi's thought-provoking journey leads from a place of deep personal pain to a belief that a better future is possible.
    The George and Leah Wilson Jury Award for Feature Film, Show me Justice film festival, USA
    Grand Prix Jury Etudiant, The 11th Paris International Film Festival on Human Rights, France
    Vara Audience Award, Movies that Matter Festival
    Special mention Jury award, A Matter of Act competition award, The Netherlands
    Winner, Best Research, Israeli Academy Award
    Nominated, Best Documentary, Israeli Academy Award
    Jury Award for Feature Films - Show Me Justice Film Festival      
    Special Screening, United Nations Headquarters                                         
    The Embassy of Israel, along with Initiative Africa group, invites you to see all the films from each of which you will take home immense real life lessons.