Mashav-Embassy-ATA-CINADCO Cooperation opening
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Mashav-Embassy-ATA-CINADCO Cooperation opening

    Ambassador Belaynesh and her deputy Leo attended the experience sharing workshop organized through the MASHAV-Embassy-ATA-CINADCO Cooperation.
    Our Embassy, the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), MASHAV, and CINADCO are partnering in technology transfer and adaption as well as establishing technical support network with experts in Israel.
    Our Embassy and the ATA organized a half-day workshop on August 28, 2014 at ATA’s conference room, where two agronomists from Israel, Reuma Lambez and Assa Linn, shared their experience with technical experts working in and around fruits and vegetables. The experts’ presentations particularly focused on potentials to establish nurseries for apples, pears, peaches, apricots to tap into a unique opportunity in Ethiopia.

    Ambassador Belaynesh speaking at ATA opening (left); Seblewongel Deneke, Director of Gender Program at the ATA speaking (right)