MASHAV representative meets with agencies of dev’t
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MASHAV representative meets with Agencies of Dev’t

    Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar – During his visit to Ethiopia, Mr. Ilan Fluss (Deputy Head of MASHAV) participated in the 3rd phase of SHHP SC Steering Committee meeting with the USAID and Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia, chaired by State Minister Wondirad Mandefro and Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia.
    At this juncture, a discussion was held on the last nine months’ performance and future plan (six months) of the project. All partners reached consensus on general major points by the committee and emphasized the importance and quality of the partnership. 
    During that week, Mr. Ilan Fluss met also with representatives of the development and cooperation agencies of USA, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy. He also visited the project sites in Bahir Dar. Special emphasis was put in the meeting with Ambassador of Germany, Amb. Joachim Schmidt, and the representatives of BMZ-GIZ mainly concerning a special and ambitious project in Afar Region.
    Mr. Eldad Dolev from CINADCO, DCM Leo Vinovezky, and MASHAV Agriculture Attaché in Ethiopia, Ofer Kahani joined Mr. Fluss to the different meetings.
    (Above & Below) With Israeli businessmen who deal with Agriculture in Ethiopia, while addressing the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) opportunities
    (Above) Visiting MASHAV agricultural training site in Barhir Dar