Israeli volunteer doctor Prof. Hartstein on free eye treatment and voluntary mission
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Israeli doctor gives free eye treatment

  •   Israeli volunteer doctor on free eye treatment and voluntary mission
    Prof. Morris Hartstein, an American born Israeli, gave free eye surgeries and treatments to patients both in Gondar and Addis Ababa hospitals.
    In Gondar, Prof.  Hartstein gave lectures to the residents at the eye hospital and also presented to Dr. Yared (Chairman of Ophthalmology at Gondar Hospital) some medical equipment he brought from Israel. In the Jewish compound, he examined close to 100 people with eye problems.
    In Addis Ababa, Prof.  Hartstein gave lectures for 3 days to the residents; worked in the eye plastics clinic at Minilik Hospital with the local doctors and staff; and taught surgery for 2 days in the operating room. He also brought medical supplies to Minilik Hospital.
    Prof.  Hartstein moreover is on a mission to institute a 3 month fellowship program for Ethiopian surgeons to go to Assaf Harofeh, Israel to learn. Prof. 
    Hartstein and family (wife and 4 kids) spent 2 days feeding and playing with the babies at the Mother Theresa Orphanage.

    Prof.  Hartstein performing eye exams in Gondar

     Prof. Morris Hartstein here with his lovely family and our Embassy staff