Israeli solar power technology to light up Ethiopia
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Israeli solar power technology to light Ethiopia

  •   Business, Technology: Israeli company AORA to provide solar-biogas hybrid power solutions for rural communities in Ethiopia.
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    AORA's tulip-shaped solar power plant AORA's tulip-shaped solar power plant Copyright: YNETNEWS.COM
    Ethiopia is aiming to enhance access to affordable and environmentally-friendly renewable energy for its population, with the country’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy announcing last month that it had signed an agreement with an Israeli solar-hybrid power company to further this goal. The leading Israeli developer of solar-biogas hybrid power technology, AORA, will be the first to provide solar-biogas hybrid power solutions for rural communities in Ethiopia.
    Ethiopia often suffers from blackouts due to its lack of power and two-thirds of the country’s citizens have no electricity.
    The Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation echoed the news translated in Amharic here:የእስራኤሉ-ኩባንያ-በኢትዮጵያ-የፀሐይ-ሃይል-ማመንጫ-ሊገነባ-ነው.html