Israel provides capacity building to Ethiopian farmers
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Israel provides capacity building to farmers

  •   Israel provides capacity building to Ethiopian farmers
    Israel, in collaboration with USAID, the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), and PIN (People In Need), has provided agricultural capacity building training for Ethiopian farmers and agricultural personnel from August 19 to 21, 2014 at the Butajira Centre of Excellence under the theme: Modern Fruit and Vegetable Crops Production and Management”.
          MASHAV trainer Amerga Menji showing to farmers fruit tress, vegetable production

    The training, provided to 30 Small Holder Horticulture Program (SHHP) enlightened farmers and Development Agents (known as DAs) from Sidama and Gedio Zones of Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR), focused mainly on fruit trees production (Avodaco), but also will include compost preparation and vegetable growing. It will be given by local experts and coordinators: Mr. Dessalegn Hailu and Amerga Menji with the supervision of Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV)’s agriculture expert and trainer, Mr. Ofer kahani. The People In Need (PIN) Ethiopia Mission is a partner in financing this particular training, supported by the Czech Republic government.

    (above) The news was covered  by the regional newspaper YeDebub Nigat
    SHH Program
    Generally, the SHHP (USAID-MASHAV-Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)) is a trilateral Joint Technical Program which has so far established Intensive Extension Teams (IET) of fruits and vegetable production in 5 Weredas: Bolososore (SNNPR), Mesken (SNNPR), Gutogida (Oromia), Metcha (Amhara) and Alamata (Tigray). In each IET there is a team leader and DAs (Development Agents). The DAs provide training on fruits and vegetables to about 300 model farmers in each Wereda. Each farmer is visited once a month by a DA. Among the topics advised are new varieties of fruits and vegetables, planting, irrigation and fertilizer application, post-harvest and water resources development. The DAs of the above extension teams are trained by Israeli experts and followed up by local MASHAV coordinators.  
    Butajira Center of Excellence
    In September 2009, the Butajira Center of Excellence for Horticulture and human resources development was inaugurated as a tripartite project (USAID-MASHAV-MoARD Cooperation).
    Until now Israeli experts have been providing successful series of technical support in order to accelerate the transfer and adoption of modern agricultural technologies and practices in Ethiopia. With USAID budget assistance, training and technical assistance have been provided by MASHAV’s experts in the fields of: capacity-building for small holders and commercial farmers, cooperative members, and water user groups as well as on the areas of dairy herds improvement, small scale irrigation and water management, horticulture crop production, soil conservation and biotechnology. Activities included are, among others, training courses and professional tours both in Israel and locally, focusing on biotechnology issues.