Israel, our country, the country we represent, is at war
  • News & Events

Israel, the country we represent, is at war

  •   We would like to thank those real friends who called us, commended and gave us their support
    Israel, our country, the country we represent, is at war. The enemy is a tricky one, supported by many others, not less tricky and confused. Our families are in Israel seeking for shelter from time to time. Our parents and brothers live in Israel. We have nephews and cousins all over this inspiring, creative, beautiful and suffering place, called Israel. We have lovely friends living in the South of Israel and for them this is not life. We have brave friends currently defending our people, human beings like you and us. We would like to thank those real friends who called us, commented and gave us their support. We will not forget that. Facebookly speaking, A big like to them! The others, no comments. If this is your "status" too, feel free to share. Even if it is not.