Invitation to documentary film screening
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Invitation to documentary film screening

  •   Film on Ethiopian-born Israeli long distance runner to be screened at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura
    The Embassy of Israel warmly invites you to attend the screening of the film “Running Movie”
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    RunningMoviePoster RunningMoviePoster Copyright: Vice-Versa-Films
    Addis Ababa – “Running Movie”, a documentary film narrating Haile Satayin’s captivating journey to compete and win the marathon, will be screened on Wednesday, February 27, 7 PM, at the Italian Cultural Institute (free entrance). Satayin is recorded as the oldest marathon runner in the 2008 Summer Olympics.
    Director: Omer Peled
    Producer: Gidi Avivi
    A Vice Versa Films production, this documentary, which runs for 48 minutes with Hebrew and English subtitles, touches upon runner Haile Satayin’s efforts to participate in the 2012 Olympics as well. Satayin has been a long-distance runner as a child in Ethiopia, but became a marathon runner only after immigrating to Israel in the 1990s. Now, in his 50s, he keeps on running all over the world.

    Photo copyright: Yossi Zamir Flash

    We follow him as he practices in Ethiopia, far from his wife and children, and witness his moments of victory and defeat as he competes in marathons around the world – from Berlin, Germany to Tiberias, Israel. Despite his financial difficulties and struggles with the cultural gaps as an immigrant in Israel, Satayin believes that he has no choice: he runs as if his survival depends on it. 
    “You will learnt a great deal from the movie and from the athlete, Haile that human being should value their passion, and should work hard to achieve what they are passionate about. Haile never gave up what he believed in neither because people said he was old for the sport nor because he had many other things to accomplish in his life. He was dedicated to his goal, and achieved it; this is a very inspirational lesson for all of us,” remarked Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia.