Invitation for tonight & your weekend too!!
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From Israel with Music, at Acacia Jazz Fest 2014

  •   Fest for the night & the weekend too!!
    Israeli musicians' classic melodies at Acacia Jazz & World Music Festival
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    Acacia-Israel Acacia-Israel

    The occasion of this year’s Accacia Jazz and World Music Festival has seen Israeli musicians: Monica Manaker (singer, songwriter playing the guitar), Elad Neeman (percussionist), Avshalom Farjun (playing the Qanun) and Avshalom Tuvali (playing the Oud) entertain the audience at heart, alongside Jazzamba Entertainment and Mingle Promotions.


    At Jazzamba Lounge, on Thursday, Feb. 6th, the four above-mentioned musicians with Girum Mezmur and Henock Temesgen of Jazzamba performed their signature tunes that they have presented all over the world. The next Saturday, Feb. 8th,they gave the crowd more enchanting Ethio-Israeli collaboration and musical talent at the Floral Tropical Gardens again with Girum Mezmur and Henock Temesgen.

    Above) Monica Manaker performing with Israeli musicians (Avshalom Farjun and Avshalom Tuvali) alongside Ethiopian counterparts (Girum Mezmur and Henock Temesgen) at the festival