Invitation for a lecture about immigration, culture and identity
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Invitation for lecture about immigration,Identity

  •   Lecture about immigration, culture and identity by Dr. Azriel Kamon

    The Embassy of the State of Israel and Goethe-Institut in Addis Ababa

     cordially invite you to attend a public lecture on


     "The Meeting Between a Veteran National Identity with an Immigrant Culture -- Identity Definition and Redefinition as a Result of a Confrontation Between two Different Cultures"

     by Dr. Azriel Kamon, from Israel


    Date: January 12, 2015
    Time: 6:30PM
    Venue: Goethe-Institut, Addis Ababa
    Dr. Aziel Kamon is a researcher at Yad-Tabenkin and the author of the books: "The first bridge" and "New frontiers".