International Music Education Conference
  • News & Events

The First International Music Education Conference

    On May 14-17, 2017 The First International Music Education Conference of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Music Education in the Community - Traditions, Challenges, and Innovations will take place at The Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    The IPO annually tours the world's cultural centers and its prestigious festivals in Europe, Asia, North America and South America.
    Israel's creative artists are promoted by many IPO premieres of works by Israeli composers. The IPO contributed to the absorption of new immigrants and included in its ranks many new immigrant musicians. The orchestra has hosted most of the world's greatest conductors and soloists, and it also does much to develop Israeli artists and young talents from Israel and abroad
    On May 14-17, 2017 The First International Music Education Conference of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Music Education in the Community - Traditions, Challenges, and Innovations will take place at The Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    Well known musicians, researchers and musicologists from 20 countries will present their works, alongside with concerts performed by IPO members and leading ensembles from Israel. A variety of topics in the music education field and in community initiatives will be exposed and discussed.
    Come and join us! REGISTER NOW!
    Please find more information and registration forms in the following link: