In the community, for the community, by Women!
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In the community, for the community, by Women!

  •   Ambassador Raphael Morav concluded a two-day visit to Jimma in Oromia region
    Ambassador Raphael Morav concluded a two-day visit to Jimma in Oromia region. During the visit, Ambassador Morav met with the Acting president of Jimma University, vice president of the Oromia region, Mayor of Jimma and families benefiting from MASHAV projects.


    In the meeting with acting president of Jimma University, Mr. Kora Tushune, the Ambassador discussed on strengthening the ongoing collaboration in academics, research, and agriculture.


    The meeting was followed by a highly attended public lecture on “Innovation in Israeli Agriculture” by Ambassador Morav. Mr. kora Tushune, students, researchers, members of Jimma university senate and other higher officials of the university were among the attendees.2.png

    The Jimma University visit was concluded by the screening of the film “Bethlehem”. The film, which was attended by over 150 students depicts the story of the complex relationship between an Israeli Secret Service officer and his teenage Palestinian informant.

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    The next day the Ambassador met with Dr. Tsige Ketema, V/P for research and community service of Jimma University. Together they visited Merewa Fruit Seedling Multiplication site, located about 20km from Jimma.


    The site which is a trilateral project by MASAHV, USAID-Ethiopia and Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture in the framework of the Smallholder Horticulture Project (SHP), includes a nursery for avocado with papaya trees in intercropping, and a mother clone plantation irrigated by an Israeli solar system.

    The Merewa Fruit Seedling Multiplication site focus on empowering women specifically widowed and single mothers. These women in just a matter of a year built a better house, became active in the community and more importantly proved that women are as equal and integral part in the process of changing a community.
    Accompanied by the vice president of the Oromia region, Ambassador Morav met with 60 families who are going to benefit from a new joint MASHAV- USAID project in avocado.

    The second day of the visit was concluded by a curtsy meeting with the mayor of Jimma city Administration.