Horticultural Crops Value Chain for Export
  • News & Events

Horticultural Crops Value Chain for Export

    A tailor-made training focusing on avocado is taking place in Israel for senior horticultural experts from Ethiopia 
  • Copyright: MASHAV-MATC
    The course, organized in Israel by MATC - MASHAV’s Agricultural Training Center, focuses on the avocado value chain, as part of the ‘Smallholder Horticultural Project’.
    ​The Project is a Joint Technical Cooperation Program between Israel, the United States and Ethiopia. Implementing partners are MASHAV, USAID - the United States Agency for International Development, and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoANR). The goal of the project is to promote economic growth in rural areas and improve smallholder farmers’ income and livelihoods by strengthening commercialization of horticulture production through a competitive and sustainable development of the avocado sector.