"Hope with Art & Music" project coming your way!
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Art, Joy, Love for Ethiopian children

  •   "Hope with Art & Music" project comes again
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    Hope-with-Art-and-Music.pic-credit-to-AHope-Ethiopia Hope-with-Art-and-Music.pic-credit-to-AHope-Ethiopia Copyright: A-Hope-Ethiopia
      Art, Joy, Love for Ethiopian children
    The Embassy of Israel in collaboration with Prof. Danny Engelhard, from Hadassah University Hospital in Israel, as well as the Ethiopian Netsa Art Village group got together to present to Ethiopian  orphaned children from Artists for Charity organization, Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, and AHOPE Ethiopia orphanage yet another round of “Art-Joy-Love” project comprising a special concert, art exhibition, and workshops at the Addis Ababa University’s Ale Design and Fine Arts School. The project named “Hope with Art & Music”, held on Sunday, February 9, 2014 mainly aimed to educate through art and friendship.

    Visiting the art works of the children at AAU’s Ale Design and Fine Arts School

    Isreali Musicians Monica Manaker and Elad Neeman coaching the children prior to the exhibition at Netsa Art Village

    More than hundreds of pictures and designs filled the walls of the hall. The children also performed amazing songs and instrument solos combining with Israeli band. PROJECTS ABROAD ETHIOPIA staff and current volunteers went to cheer the efforts being made by the children and the orphanages.

    Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia and Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky among the spectators alongside Prof. Danny Englehard (picture credit and some texts included: to Mytripblog.org)
    The Embassy of Israel in Addis Ababa has been involved, since 2005, in this joint project with Professor Danny Engelhard, the Head of the Pediatric Department and of the Center for Pediatric AIDS and Infectious Diseases at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem.
    A chronicle of this event by Capital newspaper:                                                    http://www.capitalethiopia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4063%3Aart-show-gives-orphans-hope&catid=44%3Aarts-and-culture&Itemid=50