High voltage line to northern Gaza hit by Hamas rocket 14 July 2014
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High voltage line to northern Gaza hit by Hamas rocket

    On-going attacks that would endanger the lives of electricity corporation technicians may postpone repair of the damage
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    Rocket launched against Israel from populated area in northern Gaza, July 11, 2014 Rocket launched against Israel from populated area in northern Gaza, July 11, 2014 Copyright: Reuters
    Israel supplies 127 megawatts of electricity to the Gaza Strip on a daily basis through 10 transmission lines.
    Yesterday (Sunday, 13 July 2014), a rocket fired by Hamas hit a high voltage power line in Israel that carries electricity to Gaza. Consequently, there were cut offs in the electricity supply to approximately 70,000 residents in Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah in the northern Gaza Strip.
    Fixing the power line could be postponed due to the on-going rocket attacks on this area, which would endanger the lives of electricity corporation technicians working there.