Hamas mistakes “cease fire” with “increase fire”
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Hamas mistakes “cease fire” with “increase fire”

  •   Despite Hamas’ fire, Israel decided to extend the humanitarian ceasefire a second time, until midnight Sunday night of 27 July
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    Hamas-terrorists-fired-more-than-2670-rockets-by-July 30 Hamas-terrorists-fired-more-than-2670-rockets-by-July 30 Copyright: IDF
    July 27
    Despite Hamas’ fire, Israel decided to extend the humanitarian ceasefire a second time, until midnight Sunday night (27 July). In face of the continued Hamas fire at Israeli cities and civilians, the IDF resumed aerial, naval and ground activity in Gaza at 10:00 am. Hamas then asked for a ceasefire which it itself continued to violate by continuing to fire rockets at Israeli cities.
    July 26
    IDF Spokesman: "From 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, there will be a humanitarian window in Gaza. During this time, operational activities to locate and neutralize terror tunnels will continue. The IDF will respond if terrorists exploit the lull to fire at Israeli soldiers or civilians."
    Israel respected the UN-requested humanitarian ceasefire from 8 am to 8 pm and was ready to prolong it, but a few minutes after 8 pm Hamas resumed the rocket barrage at Israel's cities.
    July 25
    Israel agreed to a 12 hour humanitarian cease fire in Gaza from 8AM to 8PM July 26. This is the 4th cease fire accepted by Israel during operation Protective Edge. 3 previous ceasefires were broken by Hamas.