From our friend Melaku Belay
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From our friend Melaku Belay

  •   From our friend Melaku Belay -- Ethiopian dancer and cultural entrepreneur
    My dear friends – I wish to say Thank You! to the Suzanne Dellal Cultural Centre in Tel Aviv, and to the Israeli Embassy and my friend Monica Manaker, for helping to make possible my recent trip to Israel!! For me, this was an amazing experience – I saw 29 concerts given by Israeli dance companies who were showing their work to the visiting dance presenters who came for International Exposure 2013. It was an honor to be part of this festival! I received many new ideas about the language of dance and choreography, how the body can express creativity, about exchange of culture – it was very special for me not to perform but to observe, and I learn well!! There was an incredible spirit of exchanging culture and innovation, and a new potential for me to create. It is so impressive how the government supports the arts in Israel – I wish everywhere to be like that! I know the country has issues, but during my trip I saw only very friendly people, religions living together, great appreciation and openness towards me. The historical sites in Israel are beautiful, I visited Jerusalem, it moved me so much! Also, I was really happy to be able to meet Emehoy Tsegué-Mariam Gebru, the 90 year old nun who composes for piano, she is an inspiration!! My best wishes to all, yours, Melaku!