Ethiopian runners win Jerusalem Marathon 2013!
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Ethiopian runners stole Jerusalem Marathon 2013!!

  •   The Embassy of the State of Israel congratulates all Ethiopians!!
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    Abrham Kabeto Ketla Abrham Kabeto Ketla Copyright: Jorge Novominsky
    Ethiopian runners won the 2013 Jerusalem Marathon in both men and women races.
    Abraham Ketla in the men’s competition won setting a record for the race which included 20,000 runners. Mihiret Anotonios and Radiya Mohammed Roba won first and second places, with Mihiret setting a record in the women's races with 2:47:26.
    Abrham Kabeto Ketla 02:16:27.35 (winner, Men)
    Mihiret Anamo Anotonios 2:47:24.70 (winner, women)
    Radiya Mohammed Roba 03:05:56.75 (2nd place, women)
    G/Egziabher Gedamu 01:10:55.54 (half-marathon, 2nd place)
    Dagne Balcha Kalkidan 01:22:33.30  
    Weldehawaz Gebereegzabehar 01:26:35.44
    The Embassy of the State of Israel in Addis congratulates all the above Ethiopian athletes, along with Abrham Kabeto Ketla and Mihret Anamo Anotonios who both took gold on Friday’s  Jerusalem Marathon. The Embassy also would like to  congratulate all Ethiopians for these achievements.