Deputy Amb. Leo’s courtesy call to Ethiopian academicians
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Leo’s courtesy call to Ethiopian academicians

  •   Deputy Amb. Leo’s courtesy call to Ethiopian academicians
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    Leo-with-Dr-Nurelegne-and-Dr-Tarekegn Leo-with-Dr-Nurelegne-and-Dr-Tarekegn Copyright: Embassy-of-Israel-Addis-Ababa
    Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky spoke with Addis Ababa Science and Technology University’s academicians: Dr. Nurelegne Tefera (Vice President for Academic Affairs, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University) and his deputy Dr. Tarekegn Tadesse (President of Addis Ababa Science and Technology University) regarding the invitation extended to them by Weizmann Institute of Science and mada Tech, Israel National Science Museum. They are invited to visit Israel from Aug. 5-9 and discuss on possibility of collaborations between the two institutions.
    Leo Vinovezky with Dr. Nurelegne and Dr. Tarekegn (from left to right) on their way to Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel very soon