American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provides technical, humanitarian assistance to Ethiopia
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JDC,Israel's doctors on capacity building

  •   American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provides technical & humanitarian assistance to Ethiopia, proposes medical cooperation
    The year 2014 marks the third year of a fruitful medical exchange coordinated by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) between Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center (SZMC) and Gondar University Hospital (GUH).  The exchange has focused until now on areas within pediatrics, with particular emphasis on enhancing knowledge and capacity to address pediatric cardiology needs in the region.  As part of the program, two pediatricians from GUH traveled to Jerusalem for 3 months of training in pediatric cardiology using diagnostic equipment JDC donated to GUH.  
    This current phase of the program has involved a visit to Ethiopia by four senior SZMC physicians, Professor Jonathan Halevy, Director General of SZMC, Dr. Ofer Merin, Deputy Director General of SZMC, Professor Yechiel Schlesinger, Director of Pediatrics, and Dr. Daniel Fink Head of Pediatric Cardiology. The visit was designed to both deepen the Israeli physicians' understanding of the medical resources and needs in Ethiopia with the goal of determining new strategic directions for continued partnership and exchange, as well as foster the spirit of scientific, technical, and medical cooperation and humanitarian assistance between the countries of Ethiopia and Israel.
    Shaare Zedek Medical Center doctors on JDC medical exchange program, working with Dr. Rick Hodes (JDC's Medical Director in Ethiopia)

    Amb. Belaynesh Zevadia and DCM Leo Vinovezky with the doctors during the dinner at Ambassador's residence