Alemu Aga to perform in Israel
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Alemu Aga to perform in Israel

  •   Ethiopian master of Begena to perform at Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival
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    Alemu-Aga Alemu-Aga Copyright: Alemu Aga
    Alemu Aga, the renowned Ethiopian musician, singer, and master of the Begena sacred musical instrument, will visit Israel in September as a guest and a performer at the Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival.
    Alemu, invited by the Jerusalem Season of Culture (JSOC) non-profit organization, will perform at two shows. The first one is at “The Jerusalem Music Center, Mishkenot Sha’anamin” for the show titled: “Masters: Alemu Aga (Ethiopia)” on September 10; and the other one will be at the Tower of David as part of the event: “A Night Stroll – A night of performances, music, and rituals” on September 12.
    Alemu has taught Begena at the Yared Music School for seven years. He went on to become an acknowledged master of the instrument, first recorded in 1972 by Cynthia Tse Kimberlin for a major UNESCO collection, and performing and broadcasting around the world. Since the early 1990s he travelled to many countries to perform with his Begena. In 1995, together with the famous Krar player Asnakech Worku, he released the album "Ende Jerusalem" for Acoustic Music in Germany. In 2009 he released the CD "The Begena of Elders - The Harp of David in Ethiopia".
                                                           Alemu Aga and Monica Manaker before his departure to Israel

    Alemu Aga and our Cultural Affairs Director Monica Manaker are currently working on a concert “Te’amir – Miracle” at the synagogue in Addis Ababa to be held during the Hanukah celebrations.


     The Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival, returning this year for a third time, is much more than a festival of magnificent music; the project calls out to musicians of every color and creed to come to Jerusalem and celebrate their unique traditions. This September, Jerusalem will be filled with sounds and of unity and compassion. This September, the walls will turn into temples of song and listening. The organizers call out: “This September, join us on a musical journey that spans continents, definitions and faiths. Come to Jerusalem –– a city where sacred refrains play 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in every corner and alleyway, a city that transcends conflict, fissures and divisions, and believes in the power of heavenly music to act as a source of love, that prays together for peace and unity. And an earthly Jerusalem that lends a welcoming and attentive ear is keen to study and understand different cultures, arts and world outlooks, a Jerusalem that is a house of prayer for all peoples.”

    We invite you to share brief moments of discovery and exaltation on a journey that begins in the ears and culminates in the heart.
    The festival is returning this year in a significantly expanded yet concentrated format that will include intriguing collaborations between Israeli and foreign artists, open-air performances, opposite the walls of the Old City and houses of prayer. We will also be presenting a masters series of intimate meetings with virtuosos at the Jerusalem Music Center in Mishkenot Sha'ananim.
    In what is now an annual tradition, we invite you to take part in A Night Stroll, a magical white night at the Tower of David comprising performances, ceremonies, some whispering and a series of “Testimony Encounters” — guided tours that trace the sacred sounds that play year-round in Jerusalem.
    Come join us for a whirlwind, multi-sensory, and mesmerizing experience that embraces all sacred traditions. Come celebrate the unique experience that is Jerusalem.
    Managing Director: Malki Amir Danon
    Artistic Directors: Itay Mautner,
    Gil Ron Shama, Gil Karniel & Omri Sharir
    Production: 2b Vibes
    Original Concept: Gil Karniel & Omri Sharir
    More about the Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival: