Africa Day
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Africa Day Greetings, 2013

  •   Greetings for Africa Day from Government and People of Israel
    GREETINGS FOR Africa DAY 27 May 2013
    Your Excellency, The Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps in Israel, Ambassador Jose Joao Manuel,
    Your Excellency, Ambassador of Cameroon and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, and Mrs. Etoundi Essoumba,
    Distinguished guests,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I am pleased to represent the Government and people of Israel on this occasion in honor of Africa Day and to extend to Africa our congratulations and best wishes, especially for the jubilee of the African Union.
    Israel and Africa have had a special relationship, based on a number of principles:
    -          Shared values of freedom and democracy,
    -          Dealing with the challenges of development, while maintaining a rich historical and cultural heritage, and
    -          Shared political and economic interests.
    For some 55 (fifty five) years, Israel has been committed, through MASHAV, to the development of the nations on the African continent. We have shared our experience in nation-building and economic development. Practical courses of action were charted; training centers were established; and hundreds of Israeli experts supported African countries in the areas of agriculture, water management, fighting desertification, medicine, education, gender equality, business development, and more.
    The relationship is certainly reciprocal. And over the years Israel has benefited from unique knowledge and insights granted to us by the people of Africa. In 2002 Israel was excluded from the African Union in circumstances that no longer exist. We believe it to be right and proper that the nations of Africa renew Israel’s standing as an “observer state” in the African Union.
    As some of you know, I was born in Morocco. It is my dream, that as part of the African forums in Israel, we will also see one day, the Moroccan representatives here in Israel, taking part in an occasion like this one today.
    I want to share with you that as Jewish immigrants coming from Africa to Israel, building our life here was extremely difficult. We started our journey in the transit camps, living in wooden shacks. We had to fight and struggle. But in a very African manner, we never gave up.
    I became the Mayor of my home town. Sderot is facing many social-economic difficulties and also the threat of rockets launched from Gaza into the city.
    Your Excellency Mr. Ambassador, I believe that peace and social justice cannot be separated.
    As the Minister of Environmental Protection and as a person who fought his whole life for social justice, I see a direct connection between social justice and environmental justice.
    In my role as Minister of Environmental Protection, I see an important opportunity to leverage the saying: “Environment know no borders”.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Israel faces instability in the region, especially in Syria and Iran and we cannot ignore the radical forces that continue to invest in the development of nuclear weapons and support the terror organizations.
    But we also look with hope to the moderate forces and we see in the Arab league’s announcement, a significant breakthrough.
    The struggle for achieving peace with our Palestinian neighbors is yet to be successful, but it is the most important goal to reach today. And I welcome the American efforts to renew the peace process.
    In our holy Book of Psalms, Tehilim, we are commanded Seek peace and pursue it.
    All these years I kept fighting for the goal of peace with our Palestinian neighbors, and I can certainly say that this determination also comes from my African roots.
    I know that the life of the people of Africa is often full of challenges and difficulties. But I have learnt that when you make achievements in life and reach your goals, overcoming those challenges, the feeling of satisfaction is much bigger, and so is the motivation to continue and fight for your values and dreams.
    Just as I am certain that my struggle for peace will succeed, I am confident that the willpower of the people of Africa will enable them to achieve their just and noble aspirations.
    Mr. Ambassador, on behalf of the Government of Israel, please convey our best wishes to the nations and people of Africa on this occasion of Africa Day.
    Thank you.





