A word with IWACU on Israel-Germany’s “Africa Initiative” mission in Burundi
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  •   Israel-Germany’s “Africa Initiative” mission in Burundi
    Bujumbura – Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky traveled to Burundi with MASHAV delegation who sought to establish foundation for support and bilateral cooperation there in the fields of climate change adaptation and agriculture. This follows the “Israel-Germany Africa Initiative” strategic partnership launched by the governments of Israel and Germany in the last few years to work together for the benefit of developing countries, mainly in Africa.
    In his interview with Diane Uwimana of Burundian IWACU news media, DCM Leo stated that Israel will exchange experts from Germany and Burundi to Israel and vice versa. “We will also recruit trainers from Burundi who will focus on learning by trying new technologies in Climate Change and agriculture as today it is important to transform the sector from the survival mode one to an industrial one," he added. With their 'Africa Initiative', Israel and Germany aim to implement strategies and tools to reduce the vulnerability of the rural population to climate change impacts in vulnerable regions of Burundi: writes Uwimana.