Deputy Amb. Leo participated in emergency meeting of the AUPG
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DCM Leo participated in emergency meeting on Ebola

  •   Israel addresses Security Council on Ebola crisis; Israeli doctors came up with Ebola vaccine
    Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky took part in the critical information sharing and consultative meeting that stressed the importance of a substantial international effort to combat the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The AU Social Affairs-PSC (Peace and Security Council) also held an emergency session to discuss the crisis and consider urgent responses.
    Joining the international efforts to prevent the spread of Ebola in African nations, our Embassy through our MASHAV division in the African Union will purchase 100 Personal Protection equipment kits to be used inside the AU compound as well as a quarantine center at Bole area in Addis Ababa. This follows Israel’s donation of three mobile emergency clinics manufactured in Israel in accordance with standards and guidelines of the WHO. A staff of medical experts will accompany each clinic, and will train local teams in the operation of the clinic and its equipment. Israel has sent a medical team to Cameroon and emergency equipment to the government of Sierra Leone.

    Moreover, two Israeli doctors, Dr. Leslie Lobel and Dr. Victoria Yavelsky, reached significant findings to help develop a human antibody therapy as they studied Ebola and Marburg virus survivors. Their monoclonal antibody-based therapeutic approach was proven as a successful potential treatment.
    Dr. Lobel seeks out patients who survived Ebola and Marburg (left); Dr. Lobel and colleagues collect samples from Ebola survivors in Uganda (right)
    At a special UN Security Council meeting on the Ebola crisis, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Ron Prosor stated: "Israel stands ready to join an international task force to combat the Ebola outbreak. In the meantime, we have sent emergency funding to Sierra Leone and medical supplies to Ethiopia, and sent experts in public health and infectious diseases to Cameroon."
    Ambassador Ron Prosor’s speech at the special UN Security Council meeting on the Ebola crisis:
    Amb Prosor addresses Security Council on the Ebola crisis
    Copyright: UN Webcast
     Our Deputy Chief of Mission, Leo Vinovezky, at the African Union, after sharing Israel's contribution against the Ebola. One day, Israel, the only country really connected to the African continent, will come back to the AU with Observer status.