
News and Events

    • Leading Israeli child psychiatrists to HK

      A leading child and adolescent psychiatrists from Israel, Dr Esti Galili-Weisstub, will be visiting Hong Kong and giving a talk. 以色列的兒童及和青少年精神科醫生 Esti Galili-Weisstub 將來港演講
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    • Israeli Kosher wine featured at trade show

      Consul General Sagi Karni visited Israel International Wine Chateau at trade show in Hong Kong, featuring Kosher wine from Israeli wineries. 總領事 Sagi Karni 先生參觀商貿展時,專程看看以色列國際紅酒名莊引入,由以色列釀酒 ...
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    • 1st Innovation Authority roadshow in south China

      These meetings enable Israeli companies to become directly acquainted with local Chinese companies, and play a significant part in helping them gain familiarity with Asian markets, specific ...
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    • Israel's donation to HK children reading programe

      To mark the 69th Independence Day this year, the Consulate makes use of the celebration budget fund to donate to a programme to support a local children reading programme 以色列國六十九周年獨立日友誼捐獻支 ...
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    • SCMP Chief Editor visited Israel

      The Consulate recently arranged for the Chief Editor of South China Morning Post, Ms Tammy Tam, a visit to Israel to see how Israel’s innovation ecosystem works. 以色列領事館在不久之前安排南華早報總編輯譚衛兒小姐出訪 ...
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