
Leading Israeli child psychiatrists to HK

    A leading child and adolescent psychiatrists from Israel, Dr Esti Galili-Weisstub, will be visiting Hong Kong and giving a talk on “The Long Term Effect of Psychological and Physical Trauma in Children” on May 17 at the Jewish Community Centre in Hong Kong. Non-JCC members can attend by contacting enquiries@jcc.org.hk or 2801 5440 for required registration.

    ​以色列的兒童及和青少年精神科醫生 Esti Galili-Weisstub 將於5月17日來港在猶太會就兒童心理和身體創傷的長期影響進行演講,非猶太會會員亦可參加,但必須聯絡 enquiries@jcc.org.hk / 28015440 作預先登記。