
Israel's donation to HK children reading programe

  • From left: Mrs Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, Consul General Sagi Karni, Deputy Consul General Ms Efrat Levy, HKSPC’s Chairman of Fundraising Sub-Committee Mrs Karen Ma, HKSPC’s Vice-Chairman of Fundraising Sub-Committee Ms Rebecca Zhu
    ​This year, Israel marks its 69th Independence Day on May 2, 2017.  While a traditional celebrating reception is generally expected, the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong has decided to make use of the budget fund to donate to a programme that targets children in the local community of Hong Kong. ​

    The Consulate is glad to partner with the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC), a Hong Kong children charity organisation that has been committed to nurture children in their early childhood development since 1926, in supporting their “Parent-child Reading Programme”, an educational programme that encourages reading and learning in deprived families.   


    “Chinese and Jewish families do share similar cultures and values.  It is important for us, as parents or teachers to encourage children and cultivate this good habit.  There is nothing more than reading a book to inspire one’s imagination,” said Consul General Karni.


    We hope our donation will make even a small difference in raising the awareness of reading and making it more accessible to the needy families with more budget for manpower and books.  


    This is the third donation from the Consulate to a non-government organization as a token of appreciation for the close friendship between Israel and Hong Kong.


    A donation presentation ceremony was held this morning (May 9) at HKSPC’s Children and Family Services Centre (Sham Mong Districts).


    Consul General Karni took this opportunity to interact with a group of local children from HKSPC’s nursery school by reading an illustrated children book written by an Israeli writer and translated into Chinese language, with the assistance of a social worker. 


    The Hon Mrs Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, Member of the Legislative Council, has taken the time to be the guest of honour at the ceremony.  Mrs Ip is no stranger to the HKSPC service centre as she has visited the facilities and children in previous occasion.


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    色列 Sagi Karni 先生稱:「中國和猶太家庭有著相似的文化和價值觀,家長和老師都注重培養兒童閱讀的習慣,實在沒有甚麼可以比讀更能啟發想像力。」




    協助下Sagi Karni 先生藉此機會與該會幼兒學校的小朋友一同閱讀一本由以色列作家寫童繪本中文翻釋版。

