Urban water technologies

Urban water technologies and Management

  •   Mashav announces a course on ''Urban water technologies and Management''
    The Israeli Experience
    Israel is a small, densely populated country with few natural resources, especially water. As such, Israel developed novel technologies for conservation, resource management and implementation mechanisms.
    Israel's climate is mainly dry and with reoccurring droughts has over the years faced these challenges. Since its founding, limited precipitation, a difficult desert climate, water waste, lacking infrastructure and a growing population have negatively affected the water management. With the joint effort of the Israeli government, scientists and companies, Israel has managed to develop cutting-edge solutions.
    From seawater desalination to water conservation, water recycling, wastewater treatment and water purification – Israel has become a leader in the development of innovative water technologies.
    Israel is the world leader in wastewater reuse and recycles over 80% of its sewage.
    The course aims to:
    - Provide participants with knowledge on Israel's water management planning principles, water management systems, and available technologies.
    - Inspire and energize participants to be agents for positive change in their countries
    - Expose participants to new approaches and opportunities in the field of water resource management
    - Present Israel as a case study from which to draw valuable lessons about water resource management.
    - Enrich participants with professional skills with which to develop their careers and best benefit their communities and countries
    - Connect participants with an international network of professionals in their field.
    Main Subjects
    The program will provide participants with knowledge and tools in the following subjects:
    - Water resource protection, usage efficiency, & management
    - Municipal water services (quality assurance, metering, billing, & customer service)
    - Innovative & computerized management systems (ex. allocation technology)
    - Smart water technologies for water management
    - Water storage and distribution
    - Wastewater recycling
    - Large-scale water desalination
    - Measuring & metering water consumption & loss (non-revenue water – NRW)
    - Water security
    - Water treatment and supply (by National Water Company and engineering companies)
    - Municipal water authorities; structure and business model
    - Water use standardization
    - Water sensitive cities
    The methodology
    Participants will participate in both classroom based lectures and 5 field visits, benefiting from the experience and knowledge of high-level Israeli experts and consultants. Israeli case studies and practices will be discussed throughout the program. Additionally, participants will be required to formulate and present a project of interest relevant to the topic of this course. For this purpose, some pre-course work will be required. Detailed instructions will be sent to the selected participants.
    Remark: Please take into consideration that the program involves daily walking on the campus as well as during field visits.
    Application Requirements
    The training targets highly motivated Decision makers, policy makers and professionals from fields associated with urban water resource management; those working in water utilities; water engineers; planners; relevant government ministries; local authorities, NGO’s and CBO’s, business organizations, and academic institutions.
    Application forms
    Application forms (download) and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website: http://mashav.mfa.gov.il/MFA/mashav/Courses/Pages/default.aspx.
    The completed forms (including health declaration etc.) should be submitted in WORD documents to the relevant Israeli mission in your area and sent to our office (ronit@weitz-center.org) no later than the morning of August 24th 2018. Candidates must also hand in a passport photo by electronic file.
    Latest date to submit application: 214th August 2018.