Short Course: Food, Security and Rural Development

Short Course: Food, Security and Rural Development

  •   Food for Security and Rural Development- Agricultural Education in Primary and Secondary Schools and Teachers Training
    Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) launches a course on " Food for Security and Rural Development- Agricultural Education in Primary and Secondary Schools and Teachers Training".
    The course will take place in The Aharon Ofri International Training Center, Israel from 22nd April to 16th May 2013
    To analyze the place and role of agricultural education within national development, acquaint the participants with new concepts, methods and tools regarding agricultural science education, present various educational projects and curriculum models used in Israel, share and exchange experiences and knowledge gained in the participants' countries of origin, adapt the teaching environment to new approaches in the field, acquaint participants with a variety of learning methods and applications, enable the participants to maximize the benefits of Agricultural Science Education.
    The course is aimed for Primary and Secondary school principals, supervisors, teachers, directors of educational institutions and systems whose responsibilities involve the allocation of resources and the development of educational policies. A full command of English is required.
    Interested candidates in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo may obtain application forms and other information from the Embassy of Israel in Yaounde.
    Alternatively, forms and further information on the course may be accessed through the following links
    Application forms
    Full course information (available on request)
    Completed applications must be sent by 18th March 2013.
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