Nutrition in a changing global environment

Nutrition in a changing global environment

  •   MASHAV launches a course on ''Nutrition in a changing global environment'', from August 27th - September 19th 2017, in Israel.
    ​Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Robert Smith Faculty of Agriculture Food and Environment, the International School of Agricultural Sciences, invite professionals to participate in the international course on ''Nutrition in a changing global environment'', from August 27th to September 19th 2017, in Israel.

    Major changes have occurred in the global diet. In the past, malnutrition and infectious diseases were of primary concern. They remain a challenge, but today we also face an emerging trend towards over nutrition and chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer). Nutrition transition has made fast-food, high in fats and simple sugars, the preferred menu for millions of individuals around the world and in particular for growing percentages of populations in developing countries. More and more processed foods are available and foods made from natural, locally-grown produce are disappearing. As we better understand how diet affects our health, it is clear that drastic dietary changes must be made.
    First, the physiological needs of each age group must be understood, followed by appropriate dietary recommendations that will promote good health. It is also evident that exposures throughout the lifespan, including in utero, affect long term health. Health professionals should have the tools to carry out critical evaluation of the most recent nutritional studies and implement appropriate changes in the community. "Informed" food choices based on sound scientific evidence can insure good nutrition for all.
    The program's objectives are:
    • To provide an overview of the nutritional needs of different populations.
    • To understand current nutritional guidelines established to provide optimal dietary intake for all age groups.
    • To critically examine how nutritional recommendations are made and to evaluate epidemiological and clinical evidence.
    • To understand the lifespan approach to nutrition.
    • To discuss emerging trends in modern nutritional sciences.
    • To develop new tools for implementing nutritional recommendations.

    This program's topics of study will include:
    • Nutrition throughout the life-cycle: infants, children, adolescents, mothers, adults and the elderly.
    • Understanding evidence-based nutrition.
    • The obesity epidemic.
    • The Microbiome and health.
    • Fetal Programming.
    • Functional Foods.
    • Nutragenomics- how nutrients interact with genes.
    • Supplementation and fortification.
    • Nutrition in chronic disease.
    • Nutrition transition.
    Classes will be held at the Faculty’s Rehovot campus, where there are laboratories, advanced research equipment and the central library of Agricultural Science.
    Around-the-clock computer access will be provided, and computers will be used extensively.
    We recommend that participants who own a personal computer bring it with them for their own convenience.
    Scientific material and homework will be assigned and graded.
    Professional field trips will be held.
    Full attendance is required.
    *We reserve the right to make changes in the academic program.
    Application Requirements
    Each participant will prepare a seminar presentation, which will be reviewed and graded. This presentation should apply knowledge acquired during the course to a nutritional, public health challenge facing your country (for example: obesity, AIDS, iodine deficiency, etc.). Participants are advised to bring with them digitalized data relevant to their countries. On completion of the course and fulfillment of its requirements, participants will receive certificates, which will be accredited by many universities.
    Candidates interested in attending this program require:
    • M.Sc. degree or above in nutrition, dietetics, medicine, bio-chemistry, health education, or a related field, from a recognized university. (A detailed record of studies and copies of degrees must be included with application forms.)
    • Documentation of academic studies conducted in English OR a TOEFL score of at least 89 on the internet-based scale OR an internationally recognized equivalent. (The language of instruction is English, Therefore, participants whose native tongue is not English, must furnish proof of proficiency in this language.)
    • Professional experience in the field is recommended (at least 3 years).
    • This course is designed for public health practitioners, nutritionists, dietitians, health educationists, and academicians in relevant fields.
    • An official certificate of good health signed and stamped by a doctor.
    • Two letters of recommendation are required from the candidate's place of work or university.
    Application forms
    Application forms may be obtained from the nearest Israeli diplomatic or consular representative or can be downloaded from the website of the Israel Foreign Ministry, MASHAV Study Programs at:
    Completed applications MUST be sent directly to the Israeli representative in your country by June 20, 2017. In addition, please send a copy of the forms in PDF format (and not JPEG) to the Faculty by email to:
    General Information
    Arrival and Departure
    Arrival date: 27/08/2017
    Opening date: 28/08/2017
    Closing date: 19/09/2017
    Departure date: 19/09/2017 late afternoon or 20/09/2017 during the day
    Participants must arrive at the training center on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the hotel/center, and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
    Location and Accommodation
    MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation, health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Airfares and daily allowance are not included in the scholarship.
    Health Services
    Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
    Accommodations: The course will be held at The Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, situated in Rehovot. Participants will be accommodated in single bedroom accommodation in a shared apartment will be provided in our fully equipped guest house on campus.
    For further information, please contact:
    Address: The International School of Agricultural Sciences Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment P.O. Box 12, Rehovot, Israel 76100
    Tel: 972-8-9489509
    Fax: 972-8-9470171
    The latest date for the submission of application form is 26th June 2017.