MASHAV Sustaining Development

MASHAV & CINADCO publication

  •   Sharing Israeli Innovations for Global Sustainable Development
    MASHAV’s agricultural and rural development programming deals with the introduction of modern technologies and agro-technical methods designed to increase the levels, sustainability and quality of agricultural production to ensure food security. It also concentrates on introducing effective support systems to enhance the economic viability of agriculture in areas such as marketing, storage and transport, the supply of agricultural inputs, granting of credit and finance to the agricultural sector and upgrading the work of extension services. MASHAV’s approach to agricultural development is based on harnessing science, technology and extension. MASHAV’s main professional and operational affiliate for international agricultural and rural development cooperation is
    CINADCO – the Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation of Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
    Throughout the years Israel has developed unique expertise and approaches to agricultural development. The present publication includes professional papers representing some of the key areas critical to mitigating poverty and hunger and attaining food security in developing countries.
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    MASHAV - CINADCO Publication MASHAV - CINADCO Publication