Leadership for civil society activism

Leadership for civil society activism

  •   Mashav launches a new course on ''Leadership for civil society activism, 15-31 july 2018, in Israel
    ​Community and individual social activism is of great contribution to the promotion of a just and inclusive society as governments are not the only one to cover the rights and well-being of its citizens. The complexity of our times demands many other actors. At the age of digital media, social movements are formed rapidly and grow into global influencers even faster. Citizens’ mobilization encourages individuals to volunteer and take action for the betterment of their own societies.
    By sharing the Israeli experience, MASHAV through its affiliate, the Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel Training Center- MCTC is committed to strengthening women and men and enhance their capacity to participate and contribute to the development process of their communities. To this end, training activities and courses in community development are conducted annually with gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality as cross cutting issues.
    Training on community activism aim to equip community leaders in building and strengthening their civil society. The direct relationship between the strength of a community and solving the problems of the individuals who live in it is widely acknowledged.
    Such course aims to emphasize the mobilization of human and material resources and is designed to develop and strengthen local leadership and organizations in addressing issues of public concern through collective activity.
    Program Topics
    - Leadership as a driver of change: models and skills for community leadership
    - Mobilizing individuals and organizations: The contribution of voluntarism to community development
    - Gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality in social projects
    - Addressing gender biases and the promotion of equal participation of all groups in the society
    - Strategic and financial planning for social causes
    - Communication and presentation skills
    - Coalition building and networking
    - Sharing and analyzing models and case studies of social movements from participants’ countries
    - Voluntarism in Israel: analysis and field studies
    - Concrete examples of social activism in Israel through study visits.
    Application Requirements
    The course is designed for women and men, representatives of national and international civil society organizations, political and social activists, trade unions, community leaders and aspiring leaders engaged in the promotion of social activism and gender equality in their communities.
    A full command of English is required.
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website: http://mashav.mfa.gov.il/MFA/mashav/Courses/Pages/default.aspx.
    Completed application forms should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country with a copy to Liat.baron@mfa.gov.il at MASHAV and rana@mctc.org.il at MCTC no later than May 11 2018.
    Participants must arrive at the training center on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the hotel/center, and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
    Location and Accommodation
    MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Airfares and daily allowance are not included in the scholarship.
    The course will be held at The Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel International Training Center, situated in Haifa. Participants will be accommodated at MCTC in double rooms (two participants per room).
    Health Services
    Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
    NB: latest date to submit applications is may 11th 2018.