Innovation in Education

Innovation in Education

  •   Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Education system
    - To provide new tools and knowledge on the implementation and development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the educational system.
    - To promote and create a learning environment that leads the students to experiment Innovation and Entrepreneurship methods and practices.
    -To share experiences of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in education.
    - To create tools for communication, collaboration and team work.
    - To provide educational tools for quality innovative educational pedagogies.
    - To support the integration and the implementation of 21st century education skills.
    - To present innovative teaching methods for specific subject-matters (science, language, etc.), as well as interdisciplinary subject areas, enabling participants to choose the methods and tools suitable to the particular needs of their environments.
    - To empower the educational staff and promote their Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs.
    - To provide a base for future training activities in the Education for Innovation and Entrepreneurship training according to the needs of the different countries and institutions
    Main Subjects
    Course Content
    - Development of ways of thinking: critical, creative, strategic and tactical thinking.
    - Development of social skills, collective performance techniques and teamwork.
    - Analyzing the incorporation of innovative ideas.
    - Presenting the importance of a supportive environment and a community of learning.
    - The influence of motivation for learning and self-improvement.
    - Becoming an entrepreneur: skills, concepts and practices.
    - The Educator / Teacher / Entrepreneur: Education & work culture, curricula development, educational initiatives, project development, project-based learning, innovation in education, success stories, the educator as an entrepreneur and a leader.
    - Student-based Learning: Student entrepreneur communities, examples of initiatives.
    - The school and the community as entrepreneurs.
    - Presenting the idea of experimental schools as entrepreneurial environments.
    - Lectures and discussions led by experts in various fields.
    - Workshops.
    - Analysis of educational planning through written material and professional visits.
    - Meetings with institutional administrators and acquaintance with projects at the national and regional level.
    - Simulations, panel discussions, and group work.
    - Preparation of final projects by individuals or groups, based on the professional interests of participants.
     Study tours at: different types of schools at all levels, educational centers (science, art, etc.) and teacher training institutions and pedagogical resource centers
    Social Activities and Tours
    The seminar includes organized tours of holy sites and locations of general and historical interest.
    Social and cultural activities will be arranged.
    Application Requirements
    High-level educational staff regional or national, primary and secondary schools principals , lecturers at teacher training institutions, counselors or supervisors in relevant fields.
    Application forms should be sent to the relevant Israeli Mission and to the Ofri Center by or before 23.08.2018
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website:
    Completed application forms, including the medical form, should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country.
    Latest date to submit applications: 23rd August 2018