Food security and grain storage

MASHAV Short Course: Food security & grain storage

  •   MASHAV Short Course: Food Security & Grain Storage - Technologies & Management
    Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) launches a course on "Food Security & Grain Storage-Technologies & Management".

    The course will take place in CINADCO's Training Centre, Volcani Agricultural Complex in Israel from 2-17 December 2013.

    The objective of this course is to understand the ecosystem of stored grain and dry food. To learn the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on stored product and their interaction during storage. To learn food security and grain storage technologies with an emphasis on phasing out the use of methyl bromide, which will reduce grain losses while meeting the requirements for food quality and safety. To transmit the knowledge and experience of Israel's scientists and specialists in grain storage to developing countries. To assist specialists in grain storage to developing countries. To assist specialists from developing countries in the implementation of relevant technologies. 

    The course is designed for professionals from the academic and extension services who are involved in grain storage and food security projects under aegis of national or international organizations, institutions, universities, research institutes, municipalities and/or the private sector. A full command of English is required.

    Interested candidates in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo may obtain application forms and other information from the Embassy of Israel in Yaounde.

    Alternatively, forms and further information on the course may be accessed through the following links

    Completed applications must be sent by 10th October 2013.