Food safety and technology in times of global change

Food Safety and Technology

  •   Food Safety and Technology in times of global change
    AIMS of the Course:
    In numerous countries around the world, a significant portion of the population suffers from malnourishment. Raising more indigenous crops with higher levels of nutritious protein is one strategy to address food security. However, even a sufficient supply of a nutritious crop may not sustain the population if the safety of the food is compromised.
    Improperly treated crops and unsanitary handling, as well as intentional and accidental poisoning, can threaten the food supply. There is a need for appropriate measures to ensure safe and sanitary conditions in all steps of the chain of supply and trade; from cultivating and harvesting the crop to processing, packaging, shipping, and storing food.
    The program's objectives are:
    • To provide participants with management skills for confronting hazards and threats in the food industry.
    • To critically evaluate the nutritional quality of food, and gain awareness of potential health hazards during the cultivation, processing, packaging, handling, transportation, and storage of food.
    • To discuss emerging trends for improving the safety and sanitation of food sources from the participants’ countries.
    • To adopt protective actions to minimize contamination of food in the participants' region.
    This program's topics of study will include:
    • Risk Management in Food Cultivation and Production.
    • Water Handling in the Food Industry.
    • Beneficial Aspects of Functional Foods.
    • Food Management: Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
    • Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points: Implementation in the Food Industry
    • Environmental Management in the Food Industry.
    • Food Evaluation.
    Classes will be held at the Faculty’s Rehovot campus, around-the-clock computer access will be provided. We recommend that participants who own a personal computer bring it with them for their own convenience.
    Scientific material will be assigned.
    Professional field trips will be held.
    Full attendance is required.
    *We reserve the right to make changes in the academic program
    Application Requirements
    Each participant will prepare a seminar presentation, which will be review and graded. It should apply knowledge acquired during the course to a topic in food safety. Participants are advice to bring with them digitalized data relevant to their countries, especially on food legislation. On completion of the course and fulfillment of its requirements, participants will receive certificates.
    Candidates interested in attending this program require:
    • M.Sc. degree or higher in biology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, food technology, or agriculture from a recognized university. A detailed record of studies and copies of degrees must be included with application forms.
    • Documentation of academic studies conducted in English OR a TOEFL score of at least 89 on the internet-based scale OR an internationally recognized equivalent. The language of instruction is English, therefore, participants whose native tongue is not English, must furnish proof of proficiency in this language.
    • Professional experience in the field is recommended (at least 3 years).
    • Basic knowledge in microbiology and human physiology and/or nutrition.
    • An official certificate of good health signed and stamped by a doctor.
    • Two letters of recommendation are required from the candidate's place of work or university.
    Application forms:
    Application forms may be obtained from the nearest Israeli diplomatic or consular representative or can be downloaded from the website of the Israel Foreign Ministry, MASHAV Study Programs at:
    Completed applications MUST be sent directly to the Israeli representative in your country by August 1, 2018. In addition, please send a copy of the forms in PDF format (and not JPEG) to the Faculty by email to: