Education for Science and Math

Education for Science and Math

  •   Education for Science and Math, STEM framework, jan 14th to feb 2nd 2018
    ​​In a world where technology has been integrated into our daily lives and in which global problems require multidisciplinary solutions, citizens and communities need to be creative and analytical in the way they deal with problem solving. This educational approach provides the tools for this kind
    of approach. We must give creativity the importance it deserves in order to succeed in a world where change is becoming the only constant.
    -What separates this approach from traditional science and math education is the blended learning environment and the manner of showing students how the scientific method should be applied to everyday life. It teaches students a different way of thinking and focuses on the real world applications of problem solving.
    Nowadays we add to STEM an A, for arts. The addition of the arts to the original STEM framework is important as it includes practices such as modelling, developing scientific explanations and engaging in critique, which are often underemphasized in the context of math and science education.
    The course designed by The Aharon Ofri MASHAV International Educational Training Center is aimed at directors of education departments in education Ministries, Principals and supervisors of primary and secondary schools; Educational staff at schools Training institutions, whose responsibilities involve the allocation of resources and development of educational policies. It is based on the vast experience the Israeli education system has acquired over the years in working towards an educational environment contributive to sustainability and globalization.
     -Policy-making, didactic and administrative aspects and teacher training courses
     -To analyze the place and role of Science in Education within national development
     -To acquaint the participants with new concepts, methods, and tools regarding sciences education
     -To adapt the teaching environment to new pedagogical approaches
     -To present various educational projects and curriculum models used in Israel
     -To develop Math-thinking skills through games and practices
     -To elaborate on the concept of Science in education
     -To acquaint participants with a variety of learning methods and applications
     -To share and exchange experiences and knowledge gained in the participants’ countries of origin
    Main Subjects
     -Policies in Science Education: How to adapt them in teaching planning to the socio-economic realities of the country
     -Knowledge and ability to teach the ‘Nature of Science’(i.e. the key principles and ideas behind scientific knowledge)
    - Comparison; Deduction; identifying components and relationships;
     -Potential solutions for problem solving; Hypothesis; separating variables; presentation of information and/or knowledge in diverse ways.
     -Interactive Science and Math’s projects with real-life applications
     -Creation of original solutions to real-world problems.
     -Participant collaboration and discussion promoting higher order thinking skills
     -Interdisciplinary academic environment
     -Creativity development
     -Study and discussion about different areas and curriculum models
     -The use of teaching aids from simple and low cost materials to modern and sophisticated instruments
     -Teachers’ training - needs, policy and realities
    The Aharon Ofri MASHAV International Educational Training Center has developed a unique, holistic approach that takes into consideration the emotional and creative aspects of the pedagogical process. Its working methods enable program participants to make practical use of theoretical knowledge.
     -Lectures and discussions led by experts
     -Workshops
     -Analysis of educational planning through written material and professional visits
     -Meetings with institutional administrators and acquaintance with projects at the national and regional levels
     -Simulations, panel discussions, and group work
     -Preparation of final projects by individuals or groups
     -Study tours at schools, educational centers, universities, teacher training institutions and pedagogical resource centers
    Application Requirements
    Directors of Ministry of Education departments, Regional Education Directors, School Principals, School Educational Staff, Supervisors, Counselors, Lecturers at Teacher Training Institutions and Researchers in relevant Educational fields.
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website:
    Completed application forms, including the medical form, should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country.
    General Information
    Arrival and Departure
    Arrival date: 14.1.2018
    Opening date: 15.1.2018
    Closing date: 1.2.2018
    Departure date: 2.2.1018
    Participants must arrive at the training center on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures, if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the hotel/center, and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
    Location and Accommodation
    MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the training program, including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Airfares and daily allowance are not included in the scholarship.
    The course will be held at the A. Ofri International Educational Training Center, situated in the Ramat Rachel Hotel on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Participants will be accommodated in double rooms (two participants per room).
    Health Services
    Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
    Lastest date for applications: 22nd November 2017