Development of Children

Development of Children

  •   Development of Children:Social Emotional Support and Wellbeing, from Jan 28th to feb 16th 2018, in Israel
    ​“Too many children remain excluded from the progress of the past 25 years. The cost of these
    inequities is paid most immediately – and most tragically – by children themselves. But the long-term impact affects generations to come, undermining the strength of their societies. So addressing these inequities and reducing disparities is not only the right thing to do – honoring the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child – it is also the strategic thing to do, yielding practical gains.
    As the global community begins to shape – and act on – the post-2015 agenda, dismantling the financial, political, institutional and cultural barriers that stand between children and their rights must
    be a central priority” (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2015: Executive Summary, UNICEF
    We know that access to quality early childhood education and care helps narrow the poverty gaps and ensure that children live to their full potential. Early childhood care plays an important role in children's development and provides a valuable support to families with young children. The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, and to maximize their future well-being.
    In cooperation with the Center for the Development of the Child at the University of Haifa, and in cooperation with OMEP Thessaloniki, and through introductory lectures, professional study visits, observations, workshops, and discussions, participants will be exposed to services and organizations in Israel that support children and their families. Participants will discuss with experts the importance of early detection and intervention for children in need of extra support. They will also gain insight and reflect on the role of the care giver, educator, therapist, social worker, community worker and health care giver in offering support to families and children.
    Main Subjects of the Course
    The following topics will be included in the course:
     -Creating a positive environment for children to grow to their potential
     -Building resiliency resources in the individual, the family, and the community to enhance
    awareness of inner strength – through different therapies – art, music, movement, etc.
     -Effects of trauma on the child, the family and the community
     -Developing coping skills to ease post traumatic syndrome
     -Community programs in prevention
     -Coordination among community services
     -Working in multidisciplinary teams – decision making, negotiating, conflict resolution
     -Project planning and writing
     -Knowledge and professional exchange among international participants
    Application Requirements
    This training welcomes men and women with leadership qualities open to new ideas and who see themselves as agents of change. The workshop is open to psychologists, educators, caregivers, NGO trainers, community workers, social workers, health workers, nurses, and university lecturers.Candidates should have academic or equivalent training and experience in working with children and families. Multidisciplinary teams working in the field are encouraged to attend the workshop together. A full command of English is required.
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at
    Completed application forms, including the medical form, should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country no later than November 15, 2017.
    One additional copy of the application must be sent to:
    Ms. Sarah Wilner at MCTC:
    General Information
    Arrival and Departure
    Arrival date: 28.01
    Opening date: 29.01
    Closing date: 15.02
    Departure date: 16.02
    Participants must arrive at the training center on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the center, and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
    Location and Accommodation
    MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Airfares and daily allowance are not included in the scholarship.
    Health Services
    Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
    The course will be held at the Dan Panorama Hotel, situated at Boulevard HaNassi 107 in Haifa. Participants will be accommodated in double rooms (two participants per room).
    Latest date for applications: november 15th 2017.