Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) launches a course on : Renewable Energy as a catalyst for Regional Developement.
The Course will take place in the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies, located on Kibbutz Ketura in the South of Israel, from may 7th to may 23rd 2017.
The target audience for this course is those who are interested in expanding their knowledge and initiatives
into sustainable and renewable energy management in their communities.
This training program is intended for mid-level professionals, working for government, non-governmental
organizations, decision-making bodies, academia and the private sector. Our expectation is that a program of
this type will be especially appealing to professionals who work on alternative energy management, energy
production and for those who work in sustainable community development.
The program will be conducted in English. It is essential that the participants have a high level of reading,
writing and speaking in English.
Participants should have at least the equivalent of a university degree or professional diploma and a desire to
leverage their knowledge in a field related to energy.
Competition for the MASHAV Courses is merit-based and selection will be made on the basis of applicants’
achievements, interest, added value of the program to the participant, professional aptitude, leadership
potential in the field of Renewable Energy, and knowledge of English.
Funding for the MASHAV Courses is limited and the program is highly competitive; not all qualified
applicants will receive awards.
Applications should be submitted no later than March 3rd, 2017. A copy of the application should be sent to
the Israeli Embassy nearest to you as well as Ms. Tali Adini at
Application forms
Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s
Completed application forms, including the medical form, should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in
the respective country.
Last date of applications:
The lastest date for the submission of application forms is 3rd, March 2017.