Agribusiness course

Agribusiness for the Empowerment of rural women.

  •   MASHAV with UNIDO launches an Internatioanl course, ''Agribusiness: A tool for the Empowerment of rural women. 23th April-12th May 2017.


    The proposed training program aims at contributing to rural women’s empowerment by exploring agricultural entrepreneurship, as well as additional, farm related components of the rural economy contributing to income generation and employment, taking into consideration the adaptability of methods and technologies, to meet local conditions in each participant's country. The participants will be exposed to the various aspects of planning, development, and management of small businesses in agro-industries, so that by the end of the workshop they are able to:

     -Use the tools of value chain analysis to elaborate growth strategies
     -Organize, supervise, and manage farm production effectively and profitably
    - Initiate, organize, and manage small agribusiness projects
    - Provide tools for supporting small scale businesses in rural areas
     -Plan and organize small and large agriculture enterprises with an emphasis on the entrepreneurial concept


    Program Topics
    The course will be held at two of MASHAV’s training centers and will include professional lectures and visits on the following subjects:
    At MCTC – The Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel International Training Center:
    - Entrepreneurial Training: How to start and manage a microenterprise
    - Marketing strategies for small businesses in the rural areas
    - Women in business and the principles of gender mainstreaming
     -Networking and Leadership skills
     -Support systems in Israel and best practices in promoting innovative entrepreneurship
    Application Requirements
    The course is geared towards policymakers, professionals, and practitioners involved in agriculture and rural development, as well as representatives of the agriculture private sector. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and have at least five years of professional work experience in related fields.
    Priority will be given to candidates selected by UNIDO.
    A full command of English is required
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website:
    Completed application forms should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country and copy to by the 24/2/2017.
    General Information
    Arrival and Departure
    Arrival date: 23/4/2017
    Opening date: 23/4/2017
    Closing date: 11/4/2017
    Departure date: 12/4/2017
    Participants must arrive at the training center on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the hotel/center, and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.
    Location and Accommodation
    MASHAV awards a limited number of scholarships. The scholarship covers the cost of the training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Airfares and daily allowance are not included in the scholarship. UNIDO will cover the airfares of those selected by their offices.
    Health Services
    Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
    At MATC – MASHAV’s International Agricultural Training Center:
     Agriculture and rural development
     New trends in modern agriculture (technological advancements, nutritional concerns, water/energy management)
     Implementation of agricultural projects
     Branding and marketing agricultural produce
     The linkage between research, extension, and applied agriculture
    The course will be held at The Golda Meir MASHAV Carmel International Training Center (MCTC) 23/4 – 3/5, 2017, situated at 12 David Pinsky Street, Haifa, and (second part of the training) at MASHAV’s International agriculture training center (MATC) 3-12/5, 2017.
    Participants will be accommodated at MCTC and MATC in double rooms (two participants per room).
    Last date for applications:
    The lastest date for the submission of application forms is 24th February 2017.