working visit of Diplomats at the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon

Visit of two Diplomats at the Embassy of Israel

  •   The Embassy of Israel in Cameroon was honored by the visit of two Diplomats
    The Embassy of Israel in Cameroon had the honor of welcoming two distinguished guests, Mrs. Naama LEVY and Mrs. Anna KEINAN, both Diplomats at the end of training at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel.  Arrived in Cameroon on 26th March 2017, as part of their internship in the diplomatic representation of Israel in this country, they had a fairly extensive use of time.
     As early as Monday 27th March, they had their first contact with the media in front of the young Cameroonian journalists.  During this Press Point, they returned, among other things, to the motivations that prompted them to become diplomats;  The challenges women diplomats face in this field;  The prospects envisaged within the framework of the cooperation between Israel and Africa in general and between Israel and Cameroon in particular.
     The next day started with their presence on the television program '' HELLO CAMEROON '' broadcast on the National Television '' CRTV ''.  It was with great pleasure that the diplomats answered the questions of the morning team presenting this issue.  The young diplomats subsequently met with personalities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon (MINREX), including the Director of Protocol of this Ministry Mr. ETOUNDI Richard.  Then with Mr. TAINO Head of the Israel Section at MINREX they had a brief moment of exchange;  and it was by a guided tour of the Ministry that their visit was completed.  Later in the afternoon it was the turn of the IRIC (Institute of International Relations of Cameroon) to receive them.  A group of Diplomacy students from this School led our guests first to the Director of IRIC Professor Pierre Emmanuel TABI, then to the Deputy Director of Studies Dr. Stéphane NGWANZA, then to the Documentation Center, and finally the two diplomats exchanged experiences with their counterparts of this School.
     The cultural domain was not to be outdone since the two diplomats had the opportunity to visit the "ATELIER 4" a Center dedicated to the promotion of artists and public awareness of the values of citizenship;  It was also during this visit that they witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon and ‘‘ATELIER 4" for the production of an Israeli play by Cameroonian actors.
     The day of 29th March also was not very relaxing for the two diplomats, since they had to leave the city of Yaounde to go to OBALA a surrounding city of Yaounde.  There, they visited the Agricultural Institute of OBALA (IAO) and saw what is done in the framework of the cooperation with this school such as the installation of a drip irrigation system, or the site of experimentation and production of the Biological Compost.  Still in OBALA they accompanied HE Ran GIDOR Ambassador of Israel in Cameroon to visit an Audio Visual School of the professions of the Television where they were eagerly awaited.  This School has presented its functioning and its grievances hoping to benefit from a cooperation to come.
     Back in Yaoundé, the visit of the National Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (Cardinal Paul Emile LEGER) of Etoug-Ébé was the last point of this long rich day.  The Director of the Center briefly briefed the delegation of the Embassy on the functioning of the Center from its inception to the present.  She explained the needs of this Center hoping to see a later development of cooperation with Israel.
    The two guests left Yaounde on the 30th March with a great sense of satisfaction on this working visit.