visit to Douala


  •   HE Ran Gidor made a visit of work in Douala. During this visit he met several government officials and personnalities

    ​HE Ran Gidor Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Cameroon made a visit to Douala the economic town of the country.

    During the Visit, HE met several  governement officials such as the Secretary General representing the Governor of the Littoral Region with his Staff. He also met the Head of Department of Protocol of the Ministry of External Relations Mrs. Kuoh Essome Epse Ngangue Gisele.

    Meetings with Political leaders and investors were also planned. To tis end, HE met M. Mohamadou Bayero Fadil, an important investor and business man in Cameroon.

    By this working visit to Douala, the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon shows once again its determination to further develop exchanges between our two countries.