visit of Mr. Yuval Fuchs Deputy Director General of Mashav

Deputy Director General of Mashav in Cameroon

  •   Deputy Director General of Mashav had a working visit in Cameroon

    ​VISIT of M. Yuval Fuchs, Deputy Director General of MASHAV


    Bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon are rich and diverse.  These relations are also overcome through the pooling of efforts with national development partners, such as the Cameroon Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), the Ministry of Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA);  and international partners such as the German GIZ. 

    To this end, the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon and the Government of Cameroon were honored to receive Mr. Yuval Fuchs, Deputy Director General of MASHAV (Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation).
     The visit of Mr. Yuval Fuchs is part of a trilateral cooperation between Germany-Israel and Cameroon (GIZ / MASHAV / MINADER) focusing on the production of Mangoes in Cameroon, specifically on: Value Chain of mangoes ''.
     After analyzing the sector and finding by the Government of Cameroon, MINADER realized that there was great potential in the sector of "Mangoes" and suggested that efforts could be made to improve its value chain. 

    Indeed, in Cameroon in season of abundance, mangoes are available in households.  Demand is often largely met in the local market.  However, out of season demand sometimes exceeds the local supply.  Moreover, marketing of mangoes is carried out so far mainly through the traders who come directly to the orchards to obtain their supplies.  Other forms of marketing are possible but have not yet been explored and tested.  Hence this cooperation, works to improve the production and marketing of mangoes in Cameroon.  Thus in September 2016, Israel sent two experts to Cameroon: Mrs Timna SHOER and Mr Romish Ram.  They started the activities. 

    Mr. Yuval Fuchs met successively with the leaders of MINADER, MINEPIA, the leaders of GIZ and AFD / AFOP.  He also made several visits, including visits to the Congo Basin Institute, the Obala Institute of Agriculture (IAO), and the Agricultural Practical School of Binguela (EPAB).  Communication and public information needed to understand the importance of this project was ensured through a Press Briefing given by Mr. Yuval Fuchs to the Cameroonian media.  The Deputy Managing Director of MASHAV for this purpose, did not fail to recall that Cameroon is a privileged partner for Israel, in view of this strong agricultural potential that it is important to develop and diversify. 

     This cooperation, initiated on a tripartite basis, promises to improve the value chain of Mangoes in Cameroon and beyond, which will strengthen bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon.