triple ceremony at the israeli embassy in cameroon

Israel marks 2018 World Water and Bee Days

  •   The embassy of Israel in Cameroon marked the world water and bee days
    ​On May 23rd, the Cameroonian media and public converged to the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon for a ceremony not at all ordinary, rich in content and colors.

    The occasion was that of the great days, because the Embassy of Israel organized three events in one ceremony, very remarkable. Indeed, the ceremony focused on 3 major events: one on the occasion of World Bee Day; the other on the occasion of the World Water Day and finally the 3rd on the presentation of the work of the Israeli NGO "Save A Child's Heart".

    With regard to the World Bee Day, dedicated by the United Nations system, the objective is to present the support action of the Israeli Embassy of women's entrepreneurship and their empowerment in the field of Beekeeping, through the delivery of a significant donation of equipment (bees hives ready for use, manual Presser, refractometer, manual extractor, soaker, candle making kit, Colander double nylon sieve, protective Gangs Harvest, Crop Suit and Smoker). 
    Concerning the World Water Day already celebrated on March 22, the aim is to present the Israeli expertise in this area through a demonstration highlighting a Water Purification Kit, kit designed and developed by the Israeli company NUF Filtration and Water Elephant. Israel is willing to share this technology (like any other) with its Cameroonian partner. 
    With regard to the surgical operation of the heart of a Cameroonian girl. This was possible thanks to the will and the international humanitarian response of the Israeli NGO '' SAVE A CHILD'S HEART '' which operates hundreds of children with heart problems throughout the world. The little Petega Ebga Adriana arrived in Israel on February 28th and had a very successful surgery.

    All this shows that, bilateral cooperation between Israel and Cameroon is rich, diverse and fruitful. The Embassy of Israel in Cameroon is proud to promote such events and will continue to enhance these beneficial exchanges for the Cameroonian people.