film produced by Mashav Carmel International Training Center

Combating Human Trafficking, 6-10 nov, 2016, Haifa

  •   Judges from developing countries exchanged experiences and ideas from the different perspectives of countries of origin.

    ​Human tracficking is thought to be the fastest-growing activities of trans-national criminal organizations. according to the ''ILO global estimate of forced labour: results and methodology'' (2012) at least 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold globally into commercial sexual servitude, forced and bonded labor. Strongly of this, judges play a central role in combatting trafficking in persons.

    Beyond deciding upon the guilt or innocence of alleged perpetrators in sentencing considerations, judges also make key decisions on the interpretation of trafficking laws and the evidence required to establish the crime.

    Topics covered during the seminar included:
     -The international framework of combating trafficking in persons
     -Key issues and concepts which arise in cases of trafficking
     -Patterns of trafficking, forms of exploitation and means used by traffickers
     -Evidential issues in trafficking in persons cases
     -Psychological challenges faced by of victims of trafficking
     -Best practices for the protection of victims
     -The rights of victims in criminal proceedings including non-criminalization/non-punishment
     -The importance of international cooperation
     -Mock trial for all participants highlighting core issues in seminar
    See the short film produced by the Golda Meir Mashav Carmel International Training Center MCTC:​